As of July 2024, the Frameworks for Evaluation for PWT and TST are on the website
Tag Archives | featured
CEMH Conference, November 15, 2024 – Save the Date!
The Centre of Excellence for Mental Health (CEMH) has scheduled an in-person conference for November 15, 2024 in the Boardroom of the Lester B. Pearson School Board in Dorval.

WOTP 101: A Capsule Learning Series
Welcome to WOTP 101: A Capsule Learning Series (reprinted) This curated collection of videos is aimed at supporting new WOTP teachers, new to WOTP teachers, special education technicians, consultants, principals and other WOTP stakeholders. These videos will focus on the essential elements of the Work-Oriented Training Path in an effort to support the […]

Book Review: PEERS Curriculum for School-Based Professionals: Social Skills Training for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
PEERS Curriculum for School-Based Professionals: Social Skills Training for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder The PEERS curriculum is a 16-week program, clinically proven to improve social skills and social interactions among teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This program is aimed at higher functioning adolescents, focusing on skills related to making and keeping friends, […]
Tags: ASD, communication, featured, Resources
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Workplace
Youth with disabilities face significant challenges as they prepare for the transition from secondary education to adult employment. In Quebec, adults (15-64 years old) with developmental disabilities have the lowest employment rates compared to people with any other type of disability (Deslauriers, 2017). Furthermore, recent data also suggests that the unemployment rate may be higher […]

Truth and Reconciliation: What can I do?
The TRC published a final report that included 94 Calls to Action. Calls to Action 62- 65 seek education for reconciliation and call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, in consultation and collaboration with Survivors, Aboriginal people and educators, to:

Project Based Learning
Struggling to engage and motivate your students? Trying to figure out how to make the curriculum more exciting? Tired of every lesson getting a blank stare reaction? Then maybe PROJECT BASED LEARNING is for you and your students! Project Based Learning or PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by […]