The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo is a well-organized, practical guide that will assist classroom teachers in identifying where to start writing instruction with their K-8 students. The guide is organized according to a loose hierarchy of 10 goals: composing with pictures; engagement; generating ideas; focus; organization/structure; elaboration; word choice; conventions: spelling; […]
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Resources: The Writing Strategies Book

Truth and Reconciliation: What can I do?
The TRC published a final report that included 94 Calls to Action. Calls to Action 62- 65 seek education for reconciliation and call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, in consultation and collaboration with Survivors, Aboriginal people and educators, to:

Project Based Learning
Struggling to engage and motivate your students? Trying to figure out how to make the curriculum more exciting? Tired of every lesson getting a blank stare reaction? Then maybe PROJECT BASED LEARNING is for you and your students! Project Based Learning or PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by […]

Book Review: When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do
Book Review When Kids Can’t Read-What Teachers Can Do: A Guide for Teachers 6-12 by Kylene Beers When Kids Can’t Read-What Teachers Can Do: A Guide for Teachers 6-12 is a comprehensive text for teachers wishing to improve the reading skills, confidence and attitudes of struggling secondary students. Beers, a secondary English teacher by […]

Go Ahead: Read That Novel Aloud to Your Students!
As a high school teacher, are you reluctant to read an entire novel (or other type of book) aloud to your students? Maybe reading aloud feels like a pedagogical approach more suited to elementary students? Or, perhaps you do read aloud to your students, as a practical way of reaching the diverse group of learners […]
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