Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) Online Resources  

Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) Online Resources (reprinted)

L’école ouverte is the Le Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) website that gives parents and teachers access to thousands of resources for learning, creating, having fun and staying active. Resources are organized by grade level and subject.


There are no resources identified for the WOTP as such; therefore, WOTP-specific subjects such as Autonomy and Social Participation, Introduction to the World of Work, Preparation for the Job Market, Work Skills, and Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade have been left largely unaddressed by this bank of resources. As we know, students enrolled in the WOTP are some of the most at-risk students in our high schools and need continued support and motivation from their teachers and school community. 

In response, the English education community worked together to compile a list of resources that includes WOTP-specific subjects and meets the needs of the students. This is not an exhaustive list of WOTP resources; for more ideas and inspirations check out WOTP on LEARN and WorkPress.

If you have resources to suggest, please contact Marsha Gouett.



Resource Description Grade Level Link
English Language Arts
Storybird Storybird lets anyone make visual stories in seconds. PWT & TST 
Scholastic Day-by-day projects to keep kids learning thinking and growing PWT & TST
ReadWorks High-quality, free K-12 articles to improve students’ reading comprehension PWT & TST
Guys Listen Promotes literacy by focusing on the art of listening. Allowing guys to “plug in” to experience great stories. PWT & TST
CBC Kids News CBC Kids News covers local, national, and international stories that are relevant to Canadian kids aged 9-13 in a safe and age-appropriate manner with a focus on media literacy. Topics include news, sports, pop culture, science, technology, animals, and the environment. The site is managed by experienced journalists and contains contributions from Canadian youth. The accompanying social media component is CBC News Snapchat Discover. PWT & TST
French as a Second Language (FSL)
Francomobile La Francomobile is an educational iPad app that helps beginners in French with oral and written comprehension. This application was designed to meet the needs of young learners of French as a second language, no matter their level. The application allows users to learn essential vocabulary to communicate in French in realistic, everyday situations and is based on the principles of the video-gaming world: the more players improve in French, the more powerful they become in the game. PWT & TST 
eBookKids An online collection of French books. PWT
Prodigy This site offers curriculum-aligned math games.  PWT & TST 
Aplusmath The site offers interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students featuring math worksheets, games, and flashcards. Free apps are available for Android.  PWT & TST 
Hooda Math Free online math games site PWT & TST 
Youcubed Accessible and practical math learning resources and tools PWT & TST 
IXL IXL is personalized learning. With a comprehensive curriculum for junior kindergarten to grade 12, individualized guidance and real-time analytics, IXL meets the unique needs of each learner. PWT & TST
G Fletchy The 3-Act Tasks are problem-based lessons that foster students’ curiosity. Other sections of the site are appropriate for teachers. PWT & TST
Math 6 Spy Guys Grade 6 Math lessons, strategies and games.  PWT
Technological and Scientific Experimentation (TSE) 
Mystery Science Open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science PWT
National Geographic Videos Hundreds of National Geographic videos are available on YouTube. The full-length documentaries about nature, wildlife, and geography are appropriate for all ages. Wild, 101, 360° and World’s Weirdest are just some of the series titles containing both very short clips and longer videos. PWT
How Stuff Works This site explains thousands of topics, ranging from the flu to black holes to conspiracy theories, with videos and illustrations.  PWT
Geography History and Citizenship (GHC)
Canadian Encyclopedia The Canadian Encyclopedia is an impressive reference on history, politics, science and many more topics. The Timelines and Collections sections are grouped by People, Places, and Things. The section for educators features Curriculum Topics and Your Canada, a collection of stories about Canada covering themes such as Black History in Canada, My Hometown, and Great Canadian Stories, among others.  PWT  
Historica Canada Historica Canada aims to build awareness of Canadian history and citizenship. Videos and other resources include “On this day,” Heritage Minutes, The Canadian Encyclopedia, The Citizenship Challenge, Indigenous Arts & Stories, and the Residential Schools podcast series. The Education Portal contains over 290 tools for educators. Apps are available on Apple and Android. PWT  
Civics in the Classroom Tools for teachers to help students think critically about topics in Canadian civics. PWT 
Autonomy and Social Participation (ASP)
Talk With Our Kids about Money These resources are grouped by grade level, by subject and by province    While the Home program resources have been specifically designed for home use, feel free to visit our School program resources as well, as they can be adapted and provide ideas for at-home learning as well.  PWT 
CFEE Money and Youth A complete guide for financial literacy and capability. PWT
TeensHealth Doctor-reviewed info to help you be your best in body and mind. PWT
Career Development
Career Bullseyes Discover occupations grouped by learning areas and skills levels PWT & TST
myBlueprint Comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students PWT & TST
Xello Students build personalized plans for the future, and the skills and knowledge to persist. PWT & TST
CNESST Youth Information for young workers. PWT & TST
Work Safe. For Life Workplace safety information and resources. PWT & TST
Discover Your Inner Trade Explore trade profiles that most closely match who you are. PWT & TST
Career Trek Discover different careers and plan your future. PWT & TST



The Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) consists of two separate and distinct programs: Prework Training and Training for a Semiskilled Trade.

In Prework Training (PWT) none of the content is prescribed; what is taught is dependent upon the students’ Individualized Education Plans and their work-study interests. General education subjects include: language of instruction; second language; Mathematics; Technological and Scientific Experimentation; Geography, History and Citizenship Education; Physical Education and Health; and Autonomy and Social Participation In PWT the practical training programs include: Preparation for the Job Market; Introduction to the World of Work; and Work Skills. (Secondary QEP, Chapter 5, p. 4).

 In Training for a Semiskilled Trade (TST) the general education programs—language of instruction, Mathematics and second language—are those in the Québec Education Program for Secondary Cycle One. In TST the practical training programs include: Preparation for the Job Market and Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade. (Secondary QEP, Chapter 5, p. 6).


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