Sometimes a work placement opportunity comes up that is so interesting and different, it’s hard to pass up. This is what happened to Sylvain at D’Arcy McGee High School in Gatineau.
Tag Archives | Practicum/Stage
Summit School Stages
January 25, 2021
Founded in 1963, the school services over 600 special needs students by creating an individualized and enriching environment. The students, from ages 4 to 21, present with a range of difficulties including intellectual disabilities, autism, and/or behavioural and emotional disturbances. There are currently approximately 140 students in the WOTP program.

Workplace Training and Safety: Lessons from James Comey and Lake Milk
September 7, 2018
If one of our WOTP students caused a workplace accident, what would their “employer” say or do? Would the student be rebuked, or maybe even lose the work placement? How would you respond, as a teacher, job coach, principal or technician? Would the focus be on the student’s poor judgment, the potential safety issues, or […]
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Tags: Practical Training, Practicum/Stage, Safety